ACTS Study

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We are conducting this study to see the effects of Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone and Thiamine administered together on organ injury in people with severe infections. We want to determine if these drugs administered together will be helpful for people with severe infections. Vitamin C and Vitamin B1 (also called Thiamine) are vitamins which are essential for the function of the cells in your body.  Without adequate Vitamin C and Thiamine, certain aspects of energy production would not take place properly. Hydrocortisone is a corticosteroid (a naturally occurring compound in your body) that is commonly used for the treatment of patients with low blood pressure caused by severe infections. Recent studies have shown that patients with serious infections often have low levels of Thiamine and Vitamin C in their body. In addition, there is some evidence that giving Thiamine to patients with septic shock improves energy production and may prevent organ injury, even in those who are not deficient. Furthermore there is recent data suggesting that the combination of Vitamin C, Hydrocortisone, and Thiamine may be beneficial in patients with severe infection.


About the Sponsor

The Open Philanthropy Project’s mission is to give as effectively as possible and to share its findings openly so that anyone can build on it’s work. It identifies outstanding giving opportunities, makes grants, follows the results and publishes its findings for the greater good. Through research and grantmaking, they hope to learn how to make philanthropy go especially far in terms of improving lives. We appreciate their support in helping us try to improve survival in patients with severe infections.

Study Sites

Enrollment Statistics for the ACTS Study

Current Enrollment: 200

Improving patient lives by advancing the field of resuscitation medicine