Anne Kirstine Hoeyer-Nielsen (medical student) presenting preliminary results of a prospective study in cardiac arrest patients receiving targeted temperature management (TTM). Clinical studies have shown conflicting results regarding the beneficial effects of TTM in cardiac arrest patients. A possible explanation is the association between the ability to thermoregulate and neurological injury – a potential confounder. Our results show that patients with a CPC score 3-5 take longer time and require slightly more energy to rewarm. Effectiveness of children’s Disaster risk reduction (DRR) on earthquakes preparedness in Jordan.Questionnaire for students in 5-7 grades to compare knowledge , preparedness and other aspects of DRR in trained students and non-trained students. Tuyen Yankama (CRS biostatistician) presented prospective validation of Dr. Cocchi et al Lactate-hypotension index post-CA at regional SAEM conference – simple risk-stratification tool