Vitamin C, Steroids and Thiamine in Septic Shock Study 5/22/2018
We recently initiated a multi-center trial focusing on a “sepsis cocktail”, a mixture of vitamin C, thiamine and hydrocortisone to treat sepsis and septic shock. Check out Dr. Donnino’s interview with NPR about the study at this link.

Thiamine After Cardiac Arrest 2/1/2018
The Center for Resuscitation Science is excited to begin its innovative new research study, Thiamine After Cardiac Arrest. More details can be found here: THACA

Biostatistician I Job Opportunity 2/26/2018
The Center for Resuscitation Science is looking for a Biostatistician I to aid us in clinical trial data management and selected analysis activities for a variety of projects in support of the Center for Resuscitation Science and the Department of Emergency Medicine at BIDMC. More information about the position and the responsibilities it entails can be found here.

Scientific Writer Job Opportunity 2/19/2018
The Center for Resuscitation Science is looking for a Scientific Writer to aid us in the development and presentation of grant proposals, manuscripts, abstracts, SOPs and other scientific materials. More information about the position and the responsibilities it entails can be found here.

Congrats Tatsuma!!!! 11/12/2017
Congratulations to Tatsuma who was awarded Best Oral Abstract in Trauma Resuscitation at the AHA ReSS meeting!