Abstract Acceptances to AHA ReSS Conference 9/11/2019
Congratulations to our team members who have accepted abstracts for the 2019 AHA ReSS Conference in November 2019!
Anne Grossestreuer – Missing SOFA score data in cardiac arrest research studies: a scoping review and it was accepted as a poster. It is a scoping review of the missing SOFA score data when SOFA is used as an exposure or outcome in cardiac arrest research studies. Co-authors are Ari Moskowtiz, Mike Donnino, Tuyen Yankama, and Long Ngo.
Catherine Ross – Effect of Guideline Changes on Drug Administration in Pediatric In-hospital Cardiac Arrest. A WTG-R study with co-authors Ari Moskowitz, Tuyen T. Yankama, Mathias J. Holmberg, Lars W. Andersen, Anne V. Grossestreuer, Amanda O’Halloran, Monica E. Kleinman, and Michael W. Donnino.
Kate Berg – Trends over time in median CPR duration in non survivors was accepted for oral presentation.
Mahmoud Issa – Lactate/Hypotension for IHCA accepted as a poster. It is a scoping mortality prediction by lactate level and vasopressors use post ROSC. Co-authors include Het Patel, Anne Grossestreuer, Tuyen Yankama, Lethu Ntshinga, Amin Coker, and Kate Berg.
How do you think about new hypotension in patients admitted to the ICU for pulmonary embolism? New vasopressor need is very rare (2.7%) and often related to bleeding. Think twice before pushing thrombolytics! 8/22/2019
We are excited to announce the completion of our RCT comparing Ubiquinol (reduced coenzyme Q10) to placebo in post-Cardiac Arrest care! 8/21/2019
Ubiquinol as a Metabolic Resuscitator in Post-Cardiac Arrest
Article of the Month – June 2019 6/18/2019
Congratulations to Mathias J. Holmberg, Mahmoud S. Issa, Ari Moskowitz, Peter Morely, Michelle Welsford, Robert W. Neumar, Edison F. Paiva, Amin Coker, Christopher K. Hansen, Lars W. Andersen, Michael W. Donnino, Katherine M. Berg for Article of the Month in the Official Journal of the European Resuscitation Council, Resuscitation, for “Vasopressors during adult cardiac arrest: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis”.
Shock Symposium 2019 05/31/2019
Congratulations to Jerry Nolan for Lifetime Achievers Award 2019! Congratulations to Abstract Winners: Mathias J. Holmberg, Nicholas A. Bosch, Caitlin M. Dadhania! The Shock Symposium of 2019 was a success! Click the link for a short video.