Congrats to the team on the following recent publications!!! 7/5/2017
Outcomes in variceal hemorrhage following the use of a balloon tamponade device.
Characterization of mitochondrial injury after cardiac arrest (COMICA).
ISICEM conference in Brussels! 12/15/2016
Join the team at ISICEM in Brussels – see some of our latest abstracts!
Congrats to Lars and Anne for the following publication! 11/3/2016
Andersen LW, Raymond TT, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM, Grossestreuer AV, Kurth T, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines(®)-Resuscitation Investigators. Association Between Tracheal Intubation During Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Survival. JAMA. (2016)
Check out the ‘multi-media’ clip! Looking good Lars!!
Congrats to Lars!!! 10/19/2016
Dr. Lars Andersen was just awarded the “Lundbeck Foundation Talent Prize”
Keep up the great work!!!
Ari leading a discussion on Sepsis, check it out! 10/19/2016