Congrats to our Director of Epidemiology and Data Science! 11/7/2017

The Center for Resuscitation Science would like to congratulate Dr. Anne Grossestreuer on her promotion to Director of Epidemiology and Data Science. Keep up the great work Anne!

Initiation of the Failure to Rescue in the ICU Study 9/26/2017

Through support from the Controlled Risk Insurance Company (CRICO) we are undertaking a review of cardiac arrests that occur in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This review will allow for a better understanding of events that lead up to cardiac arrests in the ICU and help in the development of a process around preventing ICU cardiac arrest. Ultimately a comprehensive Trigger and Response system will be implemented with the aim of preventing ICU cardiac arrest.

Congrats Anne on the KL2 Award!!! 8/16/2017

KL2/Harvard Catalyst Medical Research Investigator Training program  Grossestreuer AV (PI)  10/2017-09/2019

Long-term Outcomes in the Critically Ill

2 year project

Welcome Dr. Het Patel! 7/27/2017

The Center for Resuscitation Science would like to welcome its newest research fellow, Het Patel, to the team!

Team welcomes new team member!! 7/5/2017

Derek Guanaga has joined the team as our new Clinical Research Coordinator! Welcome to the team Derek!


Stay tuned for upcoming events!

Improving patient lives by advancing the field of resuscitation medicine