Congratulations to Tuyen, Anne Kirstine, and Mahmoud in their presentations at the regional SAEM conference 3/27/2019
Tuyen Yankama (CRS biostatistician) presented prospective validation of Dr. Cocchi et al Lactate-hypotension index post-CA at regional SAEM conference – simple risk-stratification tool. Mahmoud Presented Effectiveness of children’s Disaster risk reduction (DRR) on earthquakes preparedness in Jordan. Anne Kirstine Hoeyer-Nielsen (medical student) presented preliminary results of a prospective study in cardiac arrest patients receiving targeted temperature management (TTM). Conference pics can be found here.

SCCM 2019 Annual Congress 2/16/2019
We are currently out in San Diego, California for the Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 48th Critical Care Congress to present some of our most recent work. You can learn more about the Congress here.

ACTS Trial Progress 1/21/2019
We have now enrolled the 100th patient in our ascorbic acid, corticosteroids and thiamine in sepsis (ACTS) study. We look forward to sharing our results soon! Click here to learn more about the study!

Happy Holidays! 12/20/2018
Happy Holidays from everyone at the Center for Resuscitation Science! We hope your holidays will be filled with joy and laughter through the New Year.