About Lars Andersen
Lars W. Andersen is a physician from Denmark currently in residency. He has been working with the Center for Resuscitation Science since January 2012 where he started as a research student. In 2013, he finished medical school in Aarhus, Denmark and started a 3-year Ph.D. project as a collaboration between Aarhus University and the Center for Resuscitation Science. He graduated from the Ph.D. program in October 2016 and has since worked with the group as an external collaborator. Lars received his M.P.H. from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in March 2016 and is a member of the Advanced Life Support Task Force at ILCOR since July 2016. Lars has been involved in the design and execution of multiple phase II clinical trials and has a special interest in large epidemiological studies and the statistical methods involved. He has primarily published within the fields of cardiac surgery, sepsis, and cardiac arrest. Lars is a reviewer for multiple international journals including, among others, JAMA, CHEST and Intensive Care Medicine and is an editorial board member at Resuscitation.
Latest Publications
- Fagerberg SK, Patel P, Andersen LW, Lui X, Donnino MW, Praetorius HA. Erythrocyte P2X1 receptor expression is correlated with change in haematocrit in patients admitted to the ICU with blood pathogen-positive sepsis. Crit Care. 2018 Aug; 22(1):181.
- Holmberg MJ, Geri G, Wiberg S, Guerguerian AM, Donnino MW, Nolan JP, Deakin CD, Andersen LW; International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation’s (ILCOR) Advanced Life Support and Pediatric Task Forces. Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Cardiac Arrest: A Systematic Review. Resuscitation. 2018 Oct;131:91-100.
- Holmberg MJ, Uber A, Stankovic N, Chen CO, Grossestreuer AV, Donnino MW, Andersen LW, Liu X. Ubiquinol (Reduced Coenzyme Q10) and Cellular Oxygen Consumption in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. J Intensive Care Med. 2018 Jan:[Epub ahead of print].
- Andersen LW, Holmberg MJ, Granfeldt A, Løfgren B, Vellano K, McNally BF, Siegerink B, Kurth T, Donnino MW; CARES Surveillance Group. Neighborhood characteristics, bystander automated external defibrillator use, and patient outcomes in public out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2018 May; 126:72-79.
- Andersen LW, Grossestreuer AV, Donnino MW. “Resuscitation time bias”-A unique challenge for observational cardiac arrest research. Resuscitation. 2018 Apr; 125:79-82.
- Holmberg MJ, Moskowitz A, Raymond TT, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM, Topjian AA, Grossestreuer AV, Donnino MW, Andersen LW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Investigators. Derivation and Internal Validation of a Mortality Prediction Tool for Initial Survivors of Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Pediatr Cri Care Med. 2018 Mar; 19(3):186-195.
- Chase M, Cocchi MN, Liu X, Andersen LW, Holmberg M, Donnino MW. Coenzyme Q10 in Acute Influenza. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2018 Aug: [Epub ahead of print].
- Holmberg MJ, Moskowitz A, Patel PV, Grossestreuer AV, Uber A, Stankovic N, Andersen LW, Donnino MW. Thiamine in septic shock patients with alcohol use disorders: An observational pilot study. J Crit Care. 2018 Feb; 43:61-64.
- Moskowitz A, Andersen LW, Huang DT, Berg KM, Grossestreuer AV, Marik PE, Sherwin RL, Hou PC, Becker LB, Cocchi MN, Doshi P, Gong J, Sen A, Donnino MW. Ascorbic acid, corticosteroids, and thiamine in sepsis: a review of the biologic rationale and the present state of clinical evaluation. Crit Care. 2018 Oct 29;22(1):283.
- Soar J, Donnino MW, Maconochie I, Aickin R, Atkinds DL, Andersen LW, Berg KW, Bingham R, Bottiger BW, Callaway CW, Couper K, Couto TB, de Caen AR, Deakin CD, Drennan IR, Guerguerian AM, Lavonas EJ, Maeney PA, Nadkami VM, Neumar RW, Ng KC, Nicholson TC, Nuthall GA, Ohshimo S, O’Neil BJ, Ong GY, Paiva EF, Parr MJ, Reis AG, Reynolds JC, Ristagno G, Sandroni C, Schexnayder SM, Scholefield BR, Shimizu N, Tijssen JA, Van de Voorde P, Wang TL, Welsford M, Hazinski MF, Nolan JP, Morley PT; ILCOR Collaborators. 2018 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations Summary. Resuscitation. 2018 Nov 5. pii: S0300-9572(18)31001-3.
- Moskowitz A, Ross CE, Andersen LW, Grossestreuer AV, Berg KM, Donnino MW, American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines — Resuscitation Investigators. Crit Care Med. 2018 Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print].
- Andersen LW, Granfeldt A, Callaway CW, Bradley SM, Soar J, Nolan JP, Kurth T, Donnino MW. Association Between Tracheal Intubation During Adult In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Survival. 2017 Feb; 317(5):494-506.
- Andersen LW, Granfeldt A, Callaway CW, Bradley SM, Soar J, Nolan JP, Kurth T, Donnino MW. Association Between Tracheal Intubation During Adult In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Survival. 2017 Feb; 317(5):494-506.
- Karlsson CM, Donnino MW, Kirkegaard H, Cocchi MN, Chase M, Andersen LW. Acute Respiratory Compromise in the Emergency Department: A Description and Analysis of 3571 Events from the Get with the Guidelines-Resuscitation Registry. Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2017 Apr; 52(4):393-402.
- Moskowitz A, Omar Y, Chase M, Lockhandwala S, Chase M, Patel PV, Andersen LW, Cocchi MN, Donnino MW. Reasons for Death in Patients with Sepsis and Septic Shock. Journal of Critical Care. 2017 Apr;38:284-288.
- Donnino MW, Liu X, Andersen LW, Rittenberger JC, Abella BS, Gaieski D, Ornato J, Gazmuri RJ, Grossestreuer AV, Cocchi MN, Abbate A, Uber A, Clore J, Peberdy MA, Callaway CW. Characterization of Mitochondrial Injury after Cardiac Arrest (COMICA). Resuscitation. 2017 Apr;113:56-62.
- Moskowitz A, Andersen LW, Cocchi MN, Karlsson M, Patel PV, Donnino MW. Thiamine as a Renal Protective Agent in Septic Shock. A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 May;14(5):737-741.
- Moskowitz A, Andersen LW, Karlsson M, Grossestreuer AV, Chase M, Cocchi MN, Berg K, Donnino MW. Predicting In-Hospital Mortality for Initial Survivors of Acute Respiratory Compromise (ARC) events: Development and Validation of the ARC Score. Resuscitation. 2017 Jun;115:5-10.
- Andersen LW, Liu X, Montissol S, Holmberg MJ, Fabian-Jessing BK, Donnino MW; Center for Resuscitation Science Research Group. Cytochrome c in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting: A post hoc analysis of a randomized trial. J Crit Care. 2017 Dec;42:248-254.
- Myers L, Mikhael B, Currier P, Berg K, Jena A, Donnino M, Andersen LW; American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines-Resuscitation Investigators. The association between physician turnover (the “July Effect”) and survival after in-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2017 May;114:133-140.
- Andersen LW, Vognsen M, Topjian A, Brown L, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM, Kirkegaard H, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Investigators. Pediatric In-Hospital Acute Respiratory Compromise: A Report From the American Heart Association’s Get With the Guidelines-Resuscitation Registry. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Sep; 18(9):838-849.
- Lokhandwala S, Andersen LW, Nair S, Patel P, Cocchi MN, Donnino MW. Absolute lactate value vs. relative reduction as a predictor of mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock. J Crit Care. 2017 Feb;37:179-184.
- Holmberg MJ, Vognsen M, Andersen MS, Donnino MW, Andersen LW. Bystander AED use and clinical outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Resuscitation. 2017 Nov; 120:77-87.
- Andersen LW, Liu X, Montissol S, Holmberg MJ, Sulmonte C, Balkema J, Cocchi MN, Gazmuri RJ, Berg K, Chase M. Cytochrome C in Patients with Septic Shock. Shock. 2016 May;45(5):512-517.
- Donnino MW, Andersen LW, Chase M, Berg K, Tidswell M, Giberson T, Wolfe R, Moskowitz A, Smithline H, Ngo L, Cocchi MN. Center for Resuscitation Science Research Group. Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Thiamine as a Metabolic Resuscitator in Septic Shock: A Pilot Study. Crit Care Med. 2016 Feb; 44(2):360-367.
- Moskowitz A, Andersen LW, Cocchi MN, Donnino MW. The Misapplication of Severity-of-Illness Scores Toward Clinical Decision Making. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug; 194(3):256-258.
- Peberdy MA, Andersen LW, Abbate A, Thacker LR, Gaieski D, Abella BS, Grossestreuer AV, Rittenberger JC, Clore J, Ornato J, Cocchi MN, Callaway CW, Donnino MW. National Post Arrest Research Consortium (NPARC) Investigators. Inflammatory markers following resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest-A prospective multicenter observational study. Resuscitation. 2016 Jun; 103:117-124.
- Donnino MW, Andersen LW, Berg K, Chase M, Sherwin R, Smithline H, Carney E, Ngo L, Patel PV, Liu X, Cutlip D, Zimetbaum P, Cocchi MN. collaborating authors from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Center for Resuscitation Science Research Group. Corticosteroid therapy in refractory shock following cardiac arrest: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, trial. Crit Care. 2016 Apr;20:82.
- Andersen LW, Holmberg MJ, Berg K, Chase M, Cocchi MN, Sulmonte C, Balkema J, MacDonald M, Montissol S, Senthilnathan V, Liu D, Khabbaz K, Lerner A, Novack V, Liu X, Donnino MW. Thiamine as an adjunctive therapy in cardiac surgery: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II trial. Crit Care Med. 2016 Mar;20:92.
- Andersen LW, Raymond TT, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM, Grossestreuer AV, Kurth T, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines–Resuscitation Investigators. Association Between Tracheal Intubation During Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest and Survival. JAMA. 2016 Nov; 316(17):1786-1797.
- Andersen LW, Kim WY, Chase M, Berg KM, Mortensen SJ, Moskowitz A, Novack V, Cocchi MN, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With the Guidelines(®) – Resuscitation Investigators. The prevalence and significance of abnormal vital signs prior to in-hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2016 Jan; 98: 112-117.
- Andersen LW, Liu X, Montissol S, Holmberg MJ, Sulmonte C, Balkema JL, Cocchi MN, Gazmuri RJ, Berg KM, Chase M, Donnino MW. Cytochrome C in Patients with Septic Shock. Shock. 2016 May; 45(5):512-517.
- Andersen LW, Berg KM, Montissol S, Sulmonte C, Balkema J, Cocchi MN, Wolfe RE, Balasubramanyam A, Liu X, Donnino MW. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is decreased in emergency department patients with diabetic ketoacidosis. Acad Emerg Med. 2016 Jun;23(6):685-689.
- Donnino MW, Anderson LW, Chase M, Berg KM, Tidswell M, Giberson T, Wolfe R, Moskowitz A, Smithline H, Ngo L, Cocchi MN; Center for Resuscitation Science Research Group. Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Thiamine as a Metabolic Resuscitator in Septic Shock: A Pilot Study. Crit Care Med. 2016 Feb; 44(2):360-367.
- Peberdy MA, Andersen LW, Abbate A, Thacker LR, Gaieski D, Abella BS, Grossestreuer AV, Rittenberger JC, Clore J, Ornato J, Cocchi MN, Callaway C, Donnino M; National Post Arrest Research Consortium (NPARC) Investigators. Inflammatory markers following resuscitation from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest-a prospective multicenter observational study. Resuscitation. 2016 Jun; 103:117-124.
- Donnino MW, Andersen LW, Berg KM, Chase M, Sherwin R, Smithline H, Carney E, Ngo L, Patel PV, Liu X, Cutlip D, Zimetbaum P, Cocchi MN; Collaborating Authors from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s Center for Resuscitation Science Research Group. Corticosteroid therapy in refractory shock following cardiac arrest: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, trial. Crit Care. 2016 Apr;20:82.
- Andersen LW, Holmberg MJ, Berg KM, Chase M, Cocchi MN, Sulmonte C, Balkema J, MacDonald M, Montissol S, Senthilnathan V, Liu D, Khabbaz K, Lerner A, Novack V, Liu X, Donnino MW. Thiamine as an adjunctive therapy in cardiac surgery: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II trial. Crit Care. 2016 Mar;20:92.
- Andersen LW, Kurth T, Chase M, Berg KM, Cocchi MN, Callaway C, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Investigators. Early administration of epinephrine (adrenaline) in patients with cardiac arrest with initial shockable rhythm in hospital: propensity score matched analysis. BMJ. 2016 Apr; 353:i1577.
- Ikeda K, Liu X, Kida K, Marutani E, Hirai S, Sakaguchi M, Andersen LW, Bagchi A, Cocchi MN, Berg KM, Ichinose F, Donnino MW. Thiamine as a neuroprotective agent after cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2016 Aug;105:138-144.
- Andersen LW, Berg KM, Chase M, Cocchi MN, Massaro J, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines(®)-Resuscitation Investigators. Acute respiratory compromise on inpatient wards in the United States: incidence, outcomes, and factors associated with in-hospital mortality. Resuscitation. 2016 Aug;105:123-129.
- Moskowitz A, Andersen LW, Cocchi M, Donnino MW. The misapplication of severity-of-illness scores toward clinical decision making. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Aug;194(3):256-258.
- Donnino MW, Andersen LW, Berg KM, Reynolds JC, Nolan JP, Morley P, Lang E, Cocchi MN, Xanthos T, Callaway C, Soar J; ILCOR ALS Task Force. Temperature Management After Cardiac Arrest: An Advisory Statement by the Advanced Life Support (ALS) Task Force of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation and the American Heart Association Emergency Cardiovascular Care Committee and the Council on Cardiopulmonary, Critical Care, Perioperative and Resuscitation. Resuscitation. 2016 Jan;98:97-104.
- Liu X, Pervez H, Andersen LW, Uber AJ, Montissol S, Patel PV, Donnino MW. Microplate-based activity measurement of pyruvate dehydrogenase in human blood mononuclear cells. Bioanalysis. 2015;7(5):583-592.
- Andersen LW, Holmberg MJ, Doherty M, Khabbaz K, Lerner A, Berg KM, Donnino MW. Postoperative Lactate Levels and Hospital Length of Stay After Cardiac Surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2015 Dec;29(6):1454-1460.
- Andersen LW, Berg KM, Saindon BZ, Massaro JM, Raymond TT, Berg RA, Nadkarni VM, Donnino MW; American Heart Association Get With the Guidelines–Resuscitation Investigators. Time to Epinephrine and Survival After Pediatric In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. JAMA. 2015 Aug;314(8):802-810.
- Andersen LW, Bivens MJ, Giberson T, Giberson B, Mottley JL, Gautam S, Salciccioli JD, Cocchi MN, McNally B, Donnino MW. The relationship between age and outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients. Resuscitation. 2015 Sep;94:49-54.
- Peng TJ, Andersen LW, Saindon BZ, Giberson TA, Kim WY, Berg K, Novack V, Donnino MW; American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines®-Resuscitation Investigators. The administration of dextrose during in-hospital cardiac arrest is associated with increased mortality and neurologic morbidity. Crit Care. 2015 Apr;19:160.
- Andersen LW, Liu X, Peng TJ, Giberson TA, Khabbaz KR, Donnino MW. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity decreases after coronary artery bypass grafting: a prospective observational study. Shock. 2015 Mar; 43(3)250-254.
- Donnino MW, Mortensen SJ, Andersen LW, Chase M, Berg KM, Balkema J, Radhakrishnan J, Gazmuri RJ, Liu X, Cocchi MN. Ubiquinol (reduced Coenzyme Q10) in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial. Crit Care. 2015 Jul; 19:275.
- Nuzzo E, Berg KM, Andersen LW, Balkema J, Montissol S, Cocchi MN, Liu X, Donnino MW. Pyruvate dehydrogenase activity is decreased in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with sepsis: A prospective observational trial. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2015 Nov;12(11):1662-1666.
- Donnino MW, Andersen LW, Giberson T, Gaiski DF, Abella BS, Peberdy MA, Rittenberger JC, Callaway CW, Ornato J, Clore J, Grossestreuer A, Salccioli J, Cocchi MN; National Post-Arrest Research Consortium. Initial lactate and lactate change in post-cardiac arrest: a multicenter validation study. Crit Care Med. 2014 Aug;42(8):1804-1811.
- Cristia C, Ho ML, Levy S, Andersen LW, Perman SM, Giberson T, Salciccioli JD, Saindon BZ, Cocchi MN. Donnino MW. The association between a quantitative computed tomography (CT) measurement of cerebral edema and outcomes in post-cardiac arrest – a validation study. Resuscitation. 2014 Oct;85(10):1348-1353.
- Kim WY, Kwak MK, Bo BS, Yoon JC, Sohn CH, Lim KS, Andersen LW, Donnino MW. Factors associated with the occurrence of cardiac arrest after emergency tracheal intubation in the emergency department. PLoS One. 2014 Nov;9(11):e112779.
- Omar Y, Massey M, Andersen LW, Giberson TA, Berg K, Cocchi MN, Shapiro NI, Donnino MW. Sublingual microcirculation is impaired in post-cardiac arrest patients. Resuscitation. 2013 Dec;84(12):1717-1722.
- Schmelzle M, Splith K, Andersen LW, Kornek M, Schuppan D, Jones-Bamman C, Nowak M, Toxavidis V, Salhanick SD, Han L, Schulte am Esch J, Jonas S, Donnino MW, Robson SC. Increased plasma levels of microparticles expressing CD39 and CD133 in acute liver injury. Transplantation. 2013 Jan;95(1):63-69.
- Andersen LW, Mackenhauer J, Roberts JC, Berg KM, Cocchi MN, Donnino MW. Etiology and therapeutic approach to elevated lactate levels. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Oct;88(10):1127-40.
- Andersen LW, Graver A, Donnino MW. Use of epinephrine for cardiac arrest prior to hospital arrival. JAMA. 2012 Jul 4;308(1)29; author reply 30-1.